
I am Jun

Junior at Peking University

Major in Integrated Science, Yuanpei College

Minor in Computer Science, EECS

Fall for Computational Neuroscience

What I can not create I do not understand.

R. P. Feymann


First award of the National Physics Olympiad(province degree)

First-class Freshmen Scholarship of Peking University

Mingde Scholarship of Peking University

Member of Undergraduate Honors Program in Biology, Peking University

Merit student of CIBR-CLS Cognitive and Neuroscience Summer School 2021

Merit student of the 11th Winter School on Computational Neuroscience

Merit student of CNeuro2022

  • Continuous attractor neural network:

    dynamics and computation


  • How much can you drink?

    ALDH2 can tell

  • Graphene-based brain electrode:

    towards whole brain map


  • Yuanpei Intelligence Campus Team

    The online smart campus platform developed by Yuanpei College students in cooperation with Baidu

1. Internet product design

2. Handling user feedback and system maintenance

3. Teams organized in the form of company departments


  • Luo Lab, School of Life Sciences, Peking University

    Detection of genetic diversity of orthologous genes in mammals and humans

1. Basic biological laboratory skills, such as PCR and western blot

2. Basic bioinformatic analysis skills, such as mapping gene structure using Cytoscape and constructing phylogenetic trees using MEGA


  • Duan Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University

    Mri-compatible graphene electrodes and deep brain stimulation combined with fMRI

1. Laser etching method for brain electrodes

2. Theoretical knowledge of  variational Bayesian method


  • NIP Lab (lead by Si Wu), School of Psychological and Cognitve Science, Peking University

    A neural network model of hierarchical memory and its dynamic properties

    Dynamics and computation of adaptive continuous attractor neural network

Come on, computational neuroscience is the BEST and there is ALWAYS too many new things to learn!

What am I interested in now

Some key issues for global to local neural information processing from my point of view: 

How are global and local features defined and represented in our brain?

How to rapidly extract global features and generate global hypotheses?

How to implement from global to local processing, and the interplay between them?

Currently I focus on hierarchical representation of associative memory. I am trying to build an attractor network model based on hierarchical inhibition circuit that may explain the process of rough-to-fine memory retrieval and recall.

Global to Local Information Processing

Prediction is the core of intelligence. However, time delay is inevitable in hierarchical neural
information processing. In our eyse these maybe handled by asymmetric inhibitory modulation
to ganglion cells (T. Euler et al. Nature, 2002). But what about motion? Prediction of head direction can be achieved by CANN(continuous attractor neural network), and I believe most neural prediction can be explained by some simple and bright computational principles.

There are many interesting derivations of dynamical systems here, and I am a crazy fan of nonlinear dynamics. Wohoo!

Neural Prediction

I am interested in how changes in the external world are represented in the brain. Group theory may provide a principled, unified way to understand the common principle of computation in various types of neurons.

Machine learning is another possible way out and the Tolman-Eichenbaum Machine surprised me a lot.

It is also possible to study the effect of movement on the activity of their hippocampal place cells, grid cells, head direction cells,  etc. in vivo in mice using two-photon.

Integrated Neural Representations of Space, Time and Motion

Have a look at my life!

There are poets resting at the bottom of Weiming Lake, and there is a Yuanpei Underground Cinema at the same altitude.

Yuanpei Underground Cinema was established in May 2017 and has regular weekly screenings during  semester. From the new hit "Parasite", to the film history classic "Rome, the City without defense", and "Spring night is short! Girl forward"... The yard always meets your expectations. I am so glad to be one of the main current managers of our lovely little cinema.

Yuanpei Underground Cinema

I have a friend named Kwan Sing, also known as Jun, Fay, Favila, Claire or Varenik. Sometimes she is a young student sitting bleary-eyed on the steps waiting for the study room to open. Sometimes she is a middle-aged projector controlling a machine in the corner of the big screen. Sometimes she is an old woman fishing by the lake. Everything about her has changed a lot. But call her Kwan, Sing, or Jun, she will always answer; call her little girl, sister, aunt or teacher she will also answer. She often uses the name Jun and the appearance of a young girl with shawl curly hair that is unusually blue highlighted. She likes to wear a Burgundy sweater over her blouse,  a black schoolbag slung over loose trousers, the cuffs of which rolled up half-inch. An unkind face -- lips are often closed, eyes are too sharp. Subconsciously she do not linger on others for a long time, and her fingers tapping quickly on the stitches of her pants.
Her main occupation is student. At present, She is doing her favorite theoretical research at a brilliant lab. Occasionally write something, mostly to put no pour out of the desire to express. Here is her 2022 summary:
"I've been living a life that wasn't quite right for the past year. I make too many meaningless expressions, often sleep late, often eat and drink too much. In bed like a faint slumber, in the study room like a mushroom parasitic. Half the time I am a slave to the emotions, give a vicious kick in some bad things, occasionally crying. The road has not been found, the goal is still very vague, although I want to move forward. The pocket was almost empty, while many ideas were born, most of which under bloody C-sections.  I took photos of much sunset and rare sunrise. The pitiful flow of youth is up for price in lines of formulas and experimental reports, and occasionally stretches its body in whimsous travel and creation. Even when look at it, I feel sad and shameful. But if rewind the life, I don't have much to regret because I have tried my best most of the time. Now my pillow for dream is not moldy yet. Thinking of this, the whole person settled down again. Well, a New Year is new. With less than a week to go, let's make the last week of 2022 bright."

I love writing (but in Chinese)

The Smriti Project is a pure welfare project initiated and organized by the graduates of Zhengzhou Foreign Language School (ZZFLS) in Zhengzhou, China. It lays emphasis on the one-on-one communication between graduates and senior high school freshmen. Cooperating with the tutorial system, organizing regular discussions and holiday activities, we manage to improve the independent learning ability and comprehensive quality of senior high school students in ZZFLS.

Learning from mentor-mentee projects, domestic alumni docking organizations, university counselor systems, etc., we start ZZFLS Smriti Project to take ZZFLS as a pilot to improve the current high school education in China.

ZZFLS Smriti Project

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